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AUM is the portal through which Reality manifests itself as the universe. AUM is the Original or the First Vibration prior to "Creation." AUM is the most melodious music we can hear inside us that is common to all and our connection to Reality. That is why it is the portal through which mind can trace itself back to Reality!
According to the Sanskrit grammar rules, A+U=O, so the right pronunciation for AUM is OM.
Absolute Reality is the only "One" prior to "Creation." The only thing prior to Creation can be Existence, as Existence cannot go out of Existence (Nothing can be created or destroyed). If Existence is not known, it is as good as No-Existence which is meaningless. Therefore, Reality/Existence must be known by itself (because it is the only one); and in order to know its own existence, Reality must be Self-Aware. Obviously, only Awareness can know Awareness (bringing another Awareness that knows this Awareness will end in infinite regress). Awareness knows everything and also knows itself (it is self-revealing like a lamp). Therefore Reality's knowledge of itself must be Awareness' knowledge of itself. Awareness' knowledge of itself also shines in each of our minds as the knowledge "I AM," the feeling of being or the simple experience of being aware ('Jeevathma', Saakshi, Soul, Pragnyaanam, Self-Awareness). The first and foremost transaction that happens when the Awareness is seemingly enclosed within the body-mind is "I AM," which is impersonal ('Aham-Asthi' or 'Ayam'). "I AM" is only knowledge that is absolute. "I AM" is Jeevaathma/Reflected Awareness/Self experiencing itself through the subtlest thought ('pragnya'; pragnya means prior to thought) that produces experiential bliss. Self-Awareness is the knowledge that one is aware (or one knows) of being aware. It is the Self-Knowledge which does not require any means of knowledge (it is direct). In other words, Self-Awareness is the form with which Brahman/Aananda is experienced directly. Prior to Self-Awareness, or "I AM," Awareness is aware but not aware as 'something.' In other words, it does not have Self-Awareness. It develops Self-Awareness only when it seems to be enclosed.
"I AM" is the presence of an impersonal sense-of-presence whereas Reality, "I," is the absence of both the presence of sense-of presence and the absence of sense-of-presence!..."I AM" is the key to "I!" Reality is not even an "I". We are calling it an "I" just to talk about it. Ponder over it!
That is, the knowledge that each of us has of our own being is Reality's knowledge of itself. Unlike all other knowledge and experience that is known by "I," the knowledge '"I AM" is known by itself. The knowledge '"I AM" is the only knowledge that remains the same under all circumstances (including deep sleep), at all times and for all people, and is thus a hint in the finite mind as to its essential, irreducible reality. "I AM" cannot be a thought because it is always available to us (thoughts come and go). "I AM" is the Witness in you, the Saakshi. Witness is beyond time and space (like in deep sleep), so it is always in 'Now!' Therefore, "I AM" equals 'Now!' (Just like "I AM" is 'Now,' it is also 'Here!')
Science tells us that the Big Bang is the t=0 for the universe. t=0 is thus the underlying reality or Reality that "created" the universe. Only the location of 'Now' can be t=0; not the past, not the future. Therefore, Reality equals 'Now!'
So, Reality equals 'Now' equals "I AM!"
"I AM That I AM" is the only sentence in the whole book of Bible, the whole of which is printed in capital letters. Therefore, it must be of great significance. In this sentence Reality has given out the secret of its own nature — that it is just the "I AM" which is the ever-shining Light of Consciousness in our hearts. In other words, it is the Self. The statement really means: I AM Myself, aware of Myself by being Myself.
Krishna in Bhagavad Geetha, 7.23 & 18.68: "The one who knows Me (Awareness) is Me (Awareness) alone!"
This knowledge is unique and absolute. It is "I" that knows that "I AM." Thus the knowledge "I AM" is Reality's signature in the mind, Reality's reflection in the mind. '"I AM" is the portal through which Awareness localizes itself as the mind and also the same portal through which the mind passes in the opposite direction as it investigates its essential nature.
Conceding Reality as the "Creator" of the universe, Reality must have existed even before Creation – all alone as the Impersonal. Reality in its real nature cannot be seen from or through any created thing. So body and mind are incapable of understanding Reality. We are forced, therefore, to look out for some principle in man which is not created. The real ‘I’-principle or Consciousness, defying all the three states, is found not to have been created. So, by taking to this uncreated ‘I’-principle, you may be able to know/experience the real Reality. Standing as that ‘I’-principle, you see that you are all alone in deep sleep. There is no other Reality there. So this ‘I’-principle or 'I AM' is the Reality we mean!
'I AM' is the last stop in thinking before we can "be!" 'I AM' is the only Truth in Manifestation that is not a concept and shines in us as the knowledge 'I AM.' 'I AM' is the first step out of eternity into time the separate-self takes while developing, but it is also the last step it takes on its way back home. 'I AM' is the most subtlest and the most empty object or post through which thought passes before it vanishes into its source, before time disappears into eternity. 'I AM' is the place where time and eternity intersect. 'I AM' is the meeting point, a dimensionless point between "I am this finite self" and "I AM that Limitless Awareness!" "I AM" is simply being aware of being aware, it is the simplest expression of being aware of being aware!
The words that express Reality's real nature most perfectly and accurately are 'I' and 'am,' or their combined form 'I am!' This is why in most major religions of the world the name 'I am' is revered as the first, foremost and ultimate name of Reality.
Jesus Christ: "Be still and know that I AM (is) God!" "Before Abraham was, I AM (is)!" "I AM (is) the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to Father except through me (I AM)!"
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (by Yagnyavalkya): "Aham Brahma 'smi!"...I AM is the Universal Self (Eeshwara/God)!...73rd Century BC.
Mandukya Upanishad: "Ayam Aathma Brahman!"... This Self is Reality!...33rd Century BC.
'Aham' in Sanskrit means 'I;' 'ham/hum'=aakaasha or space or material; background of deep space is humming sound; beeja manthra for space in Hinduism is ham sound; A-ham=not-material (meaning I am non-material or I am spiritual). 'Ayam' in Sanskrit means This (A-yam=not-ceasing or not-not-existing or not-avoiding meaning the one that is constantly with us) or 'Am-ness' or 'I AM.' Therefore, 'AUM' became 'Ayam' which became 'I AM.' OM, Amen and Ameen are variations of AUM. The root word for Latin's 'Omne' meaning 'All' is AUM. Western definition of Reality as Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent originated from the all-encompassing AUM! "I AM" = AUM (OM)! More precisely, "I AM" is a variation of OM! OM is the sound that anyone can hear in their deepest state of meditation. Sound refers to object ('artha') and object refers to sound ('shabdha'). Space as an infinite object ('Para-Vaakk') represents the infinite sound of Creation (sound is the property of space), which is manifested from 'Sath-Chith' or Existence/Being/Is-ness/Awareness/Consciousness. Sath-Chith cannot refer to another sound as it is the Supreme or 'Parama-Artha' because it knows itself and, thus, independent. Basically AUM has no meaning at all; it is beyond language. That is the reason it is represented by a symbol. It is never written down as a word. OM is between language/expression (expression means creation, sustenance and dissolution or A, U, M) and Reality. It is sacred! The meaning and quality of "I AM" is the same for all individuals at all times and under all states/conditions/circumstances. Since "I AM" is the only common knowledge of all (Feeling of Aliveness), it must be used as the foundation for world's peace!
AUM is the primal sound of the universe that is the lowest note in the score of Reality's symphony...a rumble so deep, it almost sounds ominous. In recent years, deep-space listening devices have actually been able to pick up this "HUM." HUM or AUM is the Original Vibration, the First Vibration. It is The Energy and The Essence, oscillating at Its slowest speed. Everything begins with the First Vibration. That is why AUM is known as 'Anahatha Naadha,' the unstruck sound, the sound which is not created, the sound which is prior to creation. You can only hear this ultimate sound in the highest state of consciousness; not with your physical ears but only through and as consciousness.
The subtlest element that was created first in this manifestation is space. Space contains all objects and jeevas which are nothing but names and forms. Name and form are dependent on each other but name (mind) is a higher principle than form (matter) because form can be imagined in name. Property of the space is sound. All names are sounds and all sounds are combinations/permutations of the three fundamental letters: A, U and M. Thus, AUM represents the space/world! The verbalization of AUM consists of all the component sounds the human larnyx/mouth is capable of making. The Yoga Sutras refers to AUM as Pranava, from pra (before, forward) + nava, (sound, shout, exult); the primal shout/vibration of exultation.
Everything begins with sound ("In the beginning was the Word..."). And The sound said, let there be light. And it oscillated itself so fast that its very essence became white hot. And light was born. And then, through simple yet elegant process of shifting its oscillation between various frequencies, sound and light (naadha and bindhu) - the essence and the energy - produced other manifestations of physicality.
And the deep sound of AUM became the sweet sight of Life ("And the word was made flesh, and dwelt among us."). The faster the essence and the energy vibrated - that is, the higher the frequency of its oscillations - the more solid that which is not solid appeared. The universe is a play of sound and light.
The three basic sounds of our speech are A-U-M. Our whole development of language is an expression of these three sounds. They are the root sounds. Now the sounds of A-U-M in themselves carry no meaning, because it is their relationship that decides the meaning. When "A" becomes a word it carries a meaning; when "M" becomes a word it carries a meaning. But by themselves they are meaningless. Yet they are roots, and all our speech developments are extensions and combinations of these three sounds.
Sounds imply names/concepts, names/concepts imply objects, objects imply whole world. "Au" is beginning of all sounds, "uM" is the end of all sounds, even other sounds are all included within them, i.e. within AUM. The word is a mnemonic purposely invented to give humans in one short syllable, in the smallest compass, a handy reminder that everything--this table, your neck-tie, that cow,--is of one and the same essential character. Every time any object is seen, you utter AUM and thus remember that it, and all other things, are the Self.
A common teaching is that AUM represents all the major points of creation of sound. “A” comes from the guttural region or back of the throat for pronunciation. “U” comes from the palatal region or roof of the mouth for pronunciation (pronounced as OO). “M” comes from the labial region or from the lips. These three locations represents the major points that sound can be produced; it also represents the complete manifestation of sound.
AUM is the substratum of all the words. AUM stands for the sound and not the letter which is found in all languages. It sums up all the sounds in all the languages. There are two kinds of sounds; struck and unstruck. AUM is the unstruck sound; there is no instrument. When you become absolutely silent, suddenly it is there. The sound AUM will reverberate in you! This reverberation starts at a point beneath the navel and ends at the tip of the nose, all by itself. AUM is the music of existence.
A baby says aa, oo, ma before he says anything else. These are the only three sounds you can utter without the help of your tongue. These are the basic or universal sounds. And then you are using your tongue in different ways to mix these three basic sounds to produce the rest of the sounds. It is like a TV producing thousands of different colors using the three basic colors of red, yellow and blue. If you close your mouth and say 'Aa' loudly inside, then you will feel the sound of 'A' resounding in your head. 'A' is an indication of the head center. If you 'Uu' inside, then you will feel the sound of 'U' resounding within your heart. 'U' is an indication of the heart. And if you say 'Mm' inside, the third part of AUM, then you will feel it resounding near your navel. 'M' is an indication of navel center. Chanting will have to take you systematically from 'A' to 'M.' Mere repetition will not help. Head center must take you to the navel center which the most important center (life center). The navel center is the closest to your Being/Existence where there is true fearlessness.
In yogic tradition AUM stands for three powers: A represents Brahma - the Creative Energy, M represents Shiva - the Destroying/Rejuvenating Energy and U represent Vishnu - the Sustaining, Balancing or Neutral Energy. These three energies are also known as Rajas, Thamas and Sathva. In other words, AUM stands for GOD...G for Generative Power, O for Operative Power and D for Destroying Power. This is also what is happening to us in a micro scale; cells taking birth, cells dying, and something that is never changing which gives us the feeling that we are the same person.
To take an another analogy...when a gold bracelet is melted and made a bangle, melting/destroying is called Shiva, new form of bangle/birthing is called Brahma and the gold is called Vishnu which is a non-changing common link that sustains and allows the process.
The ancient Greek alphabet has omega as its last letter. Omega written in the lowercase of the Greek alphabet, if turned to its side, looks quite similar to the Sanskrit way of writing AUM. It is from the Greek alphabet "omega" that we have the English phrase "the alpha and omega," or "the alphabets and AUM," which means, "to include everything."
In the East all the religions without exception agree on one point, that the sound which is heard in the final, highest peak of silence is something similar to AUM. The word AUM is not written alphabetically in any language of the East because it is not part of language. It is written as a symbol; hence the same symbol is used in Sanskrit, in Pali, in Prakrit, in Tibetan - everywhere the same symbol, because all the mystics of all the ages have reached to the same experience, that it is not part of our mundane world; hence it should not be written in letters. AUM should have its own symbol which is beyond language. It does not mean anything as far as mind is concerned, but it means tremendously much as far as your spiritual growth is concerned.
AUM is a meaningless word. AUM serves as the greatest sound/symbol for meditation as it carries no meaning but contains ALL. AUM will give the mind nothing objective to cling on to, and in the very effort the mind will cease or die. AUM belongs to no language, because as Reality's sound it had to be universal. AUM is the most melodious music we can hear inside us that is common to all. That is our connection to Reality.
Jesus Christ: "The kingdom of God is within you!"
Remember: Just by repeating the sound AUM, nothing is going to be achieved. In fact, something totally different has to be done. You have to become so silent, so absolutely silent, that you can hear the sound within your innermost core. It has to be heard, not repeated. AUM is the unstruck sound (Anaahatha Naadha); there is no instrument. When you become absolutely silent, suddenly it is there. Zen people have the right expression for it; they call it the sound of one hand clapping!'
The symbol of AUM consists of three curves, one semicircle and a dot. Three curves represent three states of consciousness - waking, dream, deep sleep - and the dot represents Silence or the Absolute. Absolute/Supreme is also known as the stateless state of 'Thuriya'. The whole of existence is divided into four quarters/aspects. The sound AUM also is divided into four quarters. A,U,M are the three quarters, that from which this sound comes, i.e. Thuriya is the fourth quarter. That into which they disappear is the fourth, Thuriya. The semicircle which separates the Absolute from the phenomenal world represents Maya, the power of illusion. Manifestation of the world is due to Maya plus Awareness.
A: When you think of yourself as seeing the waking state; but when you think of yourself apart from that, you are Consciousness.
U: You regard yourself as being in the dream state. This is a higher idea, because you know that the world is an idea.
M: When you understand that through deep sleep you are able to measure all else, that all other things (and the sounds A and U symbolizing them) merge back into deep sleep, are all found in it, and reappear from it. This is a still higher degree.
Take any language you like, you find that A involves the opening of the mouth whereas M involves shutting it. All sound implies soundlessness, because it begins from that and ends with that. 'Au' is beginning of all sounds, 'uM' is the end of all sounds, even other sounds are included within them, i.e. within AUM. AUM is the substratum of all the words. Nothing exists which is outside the scope of referential meaning AUM. AUM therefore is the whole of existence, the universe!
What is AUM meditation?..........
In the path to Liberation/Moksha, there are basically three steps according to Advaitha Vedantha: 1. Understand what is the Ultimate/Supreme Reality and what is its nature (through scriptures, 'sruthis,' and guru). 2. Realize that you are that Reality (through questioning, inquiring and contemplating). 3. Experience that Knowing through the world to know that there is nothing other than Reality. However, do not forget the golden rule in step 3: Do not seek to experience Who You Are through others (in a superior way); allow others to seek Who They Are through you; that's the genuine way. You cannot genuinely experience what you do not allow others to experience through you! In other words, if you like to experience God, you have to let others experience God through you. These three steps are known as 'Gnyaana Yoga.' This AUM meditation falls into the second step of this path, which is the most important step.
Method of concentration and meditation starts with an external object first, like a candle or a statue of a deity, etc. Then it moves to an internal object such as breathing or chakras (energy centers), etc. Then it moves to silence (not void). Finally it moves to an universal, but the subtlest, object which is called AUM. AUM is silence itself, the "unstruck" sound. AUM is "I AM" and "I AM" is being aware of being aware, which is the highest form of meditation. "I AM" comes from AUM. OM, Amen, Ameen are variations of AUM. The words Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent also have their root in AUM. In recent years, deep-space listening devices have actually been able to pick up this "HUM." Scientists say space is pervaded by "HUM" and the mystics go even further and say that this "HUM" or "AUM" is pervaded by Awareness/Brahman. So, why AUM meditation?...Because AUM is the nearest to the Self or Pure Awareness! "I AM" is the most direct, constant and the continuous knowledge we have which is not a thought. Thoughts are discontinuous, "I AM" is continuous. So it is neither a thought nor Pure Awareness. It is an intersection point "prior to" Pure Awareness apparently manifesting itself as thought/mind, as perception/matter. So, "I AM" is the place where time and Eternity intersect; where space and Infinity intersect. It is the meeting point, a dimensionless point between "I AM this finite self" and "I AM that Limitless Awareness!" Therefore, AUM or "I AM" is the most subtlest and the most empty object or post through which a separate-self/ego can travel back home and into Eternity and Infinity. It is the esoteric, secret gate. That's why AUM meditation is important. This is also the essence of Mandukya Upanishad. Hindus revere AUM because it is the same and the only experience that all of us can agree upon, which must, then, be or become the basis/foundation for world's peace and harmony!
Some more background on AUM...AUM stands for all the sounds. If you open your lips, the first sound produced is Aa. This is the case with even birds etc. When you close the lips the sound produced is uM. This is the final sound. The longest sound uttered by us is U. The letters A, U and M in their diversified forms, therefore, give rise to all the words used in language. A baby says Aa, Uu, Ma before he says anything else. These are the only three sounds you can utter without the help of your tongue. Hence Au plus uM stand for the substratum of all the sounds and thus for all the ideas and objects and thus the whole of existence. A is considered to represent the waking state (birth) since all sounds are pervaded by A, U is considered to represent the dream state (middle, balanced) and M the deep sleep state (death). Waking and dream states become one with, or merge in, deep sleep and then re-emerge from deep sleep. Likewise, A and U become one with M. Yogis believe that A represents the Generative or creative energy or rajas or Brahma, M represents the Degenerative or rejuvenating energy or thamas or Shiva and U represents the Operating or balancing energy or satthva or Vishnu. It is U that joins A and M, it is Operating Power that joins Generative and Degenerative Powers. So...G, O, D...GOD! AUM joins you with GOD. Therefore, AUM is very vast, very significant!
To start the meditation, sit comfortably (body is 'here' and the mind needs to get to 'now'; now-here is I AM; from now-here realize 'nowhere' or 'everywhere'). As a first step you can start by chanting AUM, pronounced by OM. When the word OM is repeated quickly several times, the sound actually heard is MauM. Think of waking world when chanting A, think of the subtle dream world when chanting U and think of even more subtler deep sleep state when chanting M. The gap at the end of MauM is silence which is OM itself. Since it is M or Shiva that takes you to OM, yogis revere Shiva with a form, especially, a meditative form. OM is the primal sound of Creation. It is the Original Vibration or the First Vibration, a soundless sound. Try to increase this gap, more and more with each practice. Stay with that silence. The illusory names-and-forms associated with A, U and M will disappear into this silence called AUM or OM. It may take you several sittings to reach this point. Once you can easily reach this point, you may drop chanting and simply get to that point either through witnessing or through any other meditation technique. And when you come to that Silence-OM through regular practice and feel stable and comfortable there, you have to dwell upon the knowledge that there are two (apparent) components in that Silence-OM, one is Silence and the other is Awareness. Remember: Awareness is All-Pervading and the Ultimate Knower (but without a Knower status) - the Knower of that Silence.
Then turn your attention (it is more like relaxing the attention) from Silence-OM (Infinity/Empty Space) to Awareness and claim that you are that Infinite Awareness one with the Infinite Silence/Space, in the presence of mind/buddhi (get out of the body mentally or un-think that you are in the body). Awareness is the presence in Silence as well as the presence in the absence of Silence. Mind can only attend or stretch to objects. And Self/Awareness is neither a person nor an object; it is You. That's why relax into Awareness. Any stretching can only take you away from Yourself. Follow the golden rule in inquiry: Whatever you can be aware of, is not You! This Infinite Awareness, therefore, is the Witness of the soundless sound-OM. "Be" that Witness! It is Awareness that pervades and reveals the Silence-OM. It is "I" that pervades "I AM," or OM. With repeated practice of this meditation cum inquiry, it will take you to the Self to claim the Self! You are not going to become infinite, but Awareness is going to claim Infinity through a pure mind/intellect. It is just like a mind claiming that it is happy through a tongue. Awareness is Infinity, so it cannot move or act or talk. It needs a mind to claim that it is the Limitless Awareness-Existence. Since OM pulls one into the Pure Light or Pure Awareness or the Real-You, it is considered a sacred formula by the yogis and meditators. This OM meditation is also called 'Aspharsha Yoga' or 'Advaithic Meditation.' Aspharsha means touchless, touchless in the sense that you are not touching Awareness as an object, but you are Awareness.
Being aware of being aware is the direct method of Self-Abidance in "I AM" (manipulating actions as in Karma Yoga and manipulating thoughts as in Raja Yoga are indirect). "I AM" is the unchanging and eternal experience that always stays with you and, so, must be the link to the Real-You. In order to say "I AM," I must know I AM. There is no other "I" that knows "I." Krishna says (Bhagavad Geetha, 18.68): "The one who knows (Me) Awareness is (Me) Awareness alone!" All that is required, therefore, is to see what the statement "I AM" refers to. To see what I essentially AM before what I AM is qualified by thoughts, feelings, emotions, activities and relationships. You can go either higher or lower from this meeting point. Realizing the higher is what is referred to as Awakening! That's it! So simple, in a way. As a result of continually abiding in "I AM" state (Self-Awareness, Jeevaathma, Pragnyaanam, Saakshi), you will surely come to a point/state where there are no obstacles/impurities in Mind/Consciousness.
Mind/Consciousness has a nature - if it cannot find any object (obstacle) which prevents it, then it goes around and comes back to You, the Awareness (in existence everything moves in a circle, nothing moves in a straight line). There is nothing other than You now. For the first time you become filled by yourself, just "I." This ultimate thought that eliminates all other not-Self thoughts in your intellect is called 'akhandakaara vritthi.' You know that "I AM." Just see clearly what I AM. Didn't God reveal the secret: "I AM THAT I AM!?" "I" must, now, refer to Awareness/Knowing and "Am-ness" must refer to "Is-ness," Being/Existence. Knowing of your own Being as it is, is nothing but Aananda/Peace/Completeness. So, there you have it, Brahman. And what is Brahman? Brahman=Existence-Awareness-Aananda-Absolute, your natural state! And when this knowledge is deep, it becomes like remembering your name, always available to you and there is absolutely no confusion. I am Limitless Awareness acting various roles in this dream-like or mithya world! Mithya (not-real or apparently real) is me but I am independent of mithya; I am Sathya. And that is the Freedom! When you recognize your essential nature as Aananda or Love, you will treat every object and every self with love, as yourself, because there is only one Self!
Modern Physics/Science says that everything in the world is constituted of electrical energy - light. According to modern physics even sounds are nothing but electric waves. The physicists have been working from the outside. The mystics say just the opposite, but not really anything contradictory. Mystics say that the whole existence is made up of the soundless sound AUM. And even electricity, light or fire is nothing but a certain condensed form of the sound. In the East it has been known: there have been musicians who could create by their music a flame on an unlit candle. As the music falls over the unlit candle suddenly the flame arises. It was a test in the ancient days, that unless a musician could create light, fire, flame, with his music he was still amateur. He was not recognized as a master musician.
Mystics have found that it is ultimately the sound of AUM that pulls you from the state of meditation into the stateless state of Reality (Self). It is called 'Grace.' 'uM' at the end of AUM takes you to silence. This silence will take you to AUM. If it is only this 'unstruck' (or 'uncreated') sound AUM that can pull one into the Pure Light, then 'sound' is the most important thing for a mystic. Sound reaches within you and strikes Consciousness. With the sword of sound, mind can be cut (cut, so understanding can happen in that mind/buddhi).
What the physicist feels as light, the mystic feels as the sound or music of the whole existence. They are both saying the same thing coming from two different angles. And if there is a choice, choose the mystic, because he is experiencing it in his very center. Self is "inside" you. And you can hear the sound inside you at higher consciousness levels much easier than see the light. Mystic's experience is not just an experiment on objects, his experience is an experiment on his own soul/consciousness. It is extremely difficult to know the world without knowing yourself first since that is the closest thing to you. Sound, AUM, may be the only way/avenue to get to the Pure Light, to "be" the Pure Light or Pure Consciousness. Sound plus mind (property of space-time which is the subtlest element of manifestation) takes you beyond space, which will, then, automatically takes you beyond time to your soul. A purified soul can "claim" its nature as the "Pure Light!" AUM meditation and Thuriya are the central subjects of Mandukya Upanishad, which is considered to be the greatest of all the Upanishads.
The approach of science is to analyze and break things down to reach the conclusion. The sages' approach is absolutely different: through synthesis they have discovered the indivisibility of the Self. When a sage reaches the ultimate state of 'samaadhi,' AUM resounds within him (not the light). He hears it resounding inside him and all around him; all creation seems to be vibrating with it. He realizes that this sound is not created by any impact, any friction; it is the frictionless sound, the unstruck sound, the sound of creation.
Light pushes you, sound pulls you!
What is the proof of Consciousness? That very question is the proof. That question is lit up by Consciousness. The questioner is the proof. The outer light, lighting up objects outside, and the inner light of Consciousness have something in common in their characteristics. Both are imperceptible to the sense organs or the mind. The existence of the outer light is affirmed by the fact that objects are seen/lit-up in its presence. It is a scientific fact that we never see the Pure Light, we only see the reflected light. Similarly, the light of Consciousness is proved by the fact that objects are known/lit-up in its presence. Just as the seeing of objects is the proof of Pure Light, knowing the objects is the proof of Pure Knowledge or Pure Consciousness! Consciousness does not require any proof, because everything else is proved by Consciousness!
AUM is a formula, just like H2O. AUM is the greatest formula ever invented by man. AUM is very vast. Everything appears out of it, everything is sustained by it and everything merges into it!
If you extrapolate this backward, the only logical location for t=0 (or 'Now') is in the Subject/Observer itself, who is watching/observing these objects. That is where Pure Light (not reflected light) can be located!
Aathma is the Subject/Observer, so t=0 is the coordinate for Aathma that is within you.
Now, where can we locate t=0 for an Observed Object?...Well, by the same reasoning as above, for any object to be a 'Now' object, it must be within the Subject/Observer/Aathma. At t=0, the sun is a 'Now' object and this 'Now' object is beyond the space time framework and is within Aathma. If not, any object would be a 'Memory' object (when we see the sun, we are seeing the sun that was 8 minutes ago). The only way to understand this is that, for any object to be outside the space time frame work, it must be in its 'un-manifest' or 'potential' or 'seed' form within the Subject/Observer/Aathma. There is no actual sun here, but there is only the potential to become the sun. In the same way, Aathma has the potential to become any object in the universe.
t=0 for the Observer/Subject is within each one of us. And we saw that the t=0 for all the objects (the Observed) is also within us. However at t=0, both Subject and Object are not separate from each other; Object collapses into Subject. They are completely unified and homogeneous with no separation whatsoever. This is the singularity which science is referring to. It is the unity of the Subject and the Object. This means at t=0, the Subject is not only Aware but must also be Self-Aware. In other words, this Subject must be Aware of itself in the absence of any Objects. Objects are only in the potential form. This is also the condition of Existence/Reality prior to "Creation" because the Existence must be known by itself (it is the only one); otherwise it is No-Existence which is meaningless. If Reality was dependent on Awareness for its awareness, it is not Reality anymore.
Consciousness in each of us is Self-Aware (whatever is aware must be Self-Aware); therefore t=0 is Aathma/Consciousness. (What are you doing to be aware of yourself? Nothing! That means it is a direct and immediate experience; there is no need of a second "thing." That means Limitless/Pure Awareness is your nature (=to be aware) and that Awareness is self-aware, isn’t it? If our being was not Self-Aware, none of us would have the experience, "I know that I am" or "I know that I am present." Only Awareness knows Awareness. Are we not Self-Aware in deep sleep?) Since t=0 equals Brahman (Reality/Awareness/I), Aathma (Consciousness/Self/Soul/I AM)=Brahman! Aathma=Brahman!
It is, therefore, logical to conclude that the Big Bang was apparently born out of this Self-Aware Consciousness/Self/Aathma. The matter and energy, space and time, is apparently "born" out of this Pure Consciousness! Therefore, Brahman/Awareness/I=Aathma/Consciousness/Self/I AM. But, I AM=AUM! (How?...I AM comes from 'Ayam' or 'Aham' of Sanskrit meaning 'Am-ness' which comes from AUM)
What is the real meaning of 'I' in 'I AM?'..........
The same word, used in similar contexts, cannot carry different meanings with different
persons. When I say ‘I’ meaning ‘my body’, another understands it in the same sense, meaning ‘my body.' But when the other person uses the same word ‘I,' he means ‘his body,' which is entirely different from ‘my body.' Thus, in the case of everyone, the bodies meant are different; but the word used is the same ‘I’, always.
So the ‘I’ must mean: either the individual bodies of all men – which is ludicrous – or it must evidently mean no body at all. The latter being the only possible alternative, the ‘I’ must necessarily mean that changeless principle in which every body appears and disappears. This is the real meaning of ‘I’, even in our daily traffic with the world.
What is the role of music?..........
Music must lead you into absolute silence (stillness). Sound must lead you into soundlessness and then into stillness. Real music, in a sense, is absolutely silent. Sounds are there but those sounds only make the silence deeper: they help the silence, they are not against silence - that is the difference between noise and music. Noise is just sound which does not lead you to silence, music is sound that becomes a door to silence. Modern music is not much of a music, it is noise; it does not lead you to silence. Classical music and the music of AUM is real music!
The highest music is where the sound does not destroy the soundless moments in between. As the musician becomes more and more refined, he can manage to create sound, and between two sounds he can give you an experience of soundlessness and stillness or, in other words, experience of meditation.
Where is the seat of AUM in our body?..........
AUM equals 'I AM' which, ultimately, equals Reflected Awareness or Individual-Consciousness. The immortal sound of Consciousness, the immortal music of Consciousness is AUM and is inside all of us. Consciousness in our waking state spreads all over the body, but operates from our third eye center behind the eyes. This center is also known as Aagnya Chakra in yogic tradition. With the third eye developed, you can see externally as well as internally. Third eyes simply knows, simply sees.
Jesus Christ , Matthew 6.22: "The light of the body is the eye. If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light!"
- Sudhakar V Reddy
For Further Reading:
Esoterics of GOD-The Reality! And How to Realize IT?
Esoterics of Death and Life After Death!
Esoterics of the Seven Bodies of Man!
Light pushes you, sound pulls you!
What is the proof of Consciousness? That very question is the proof. That question is lit up by Consciousness. The questioner is the proof. The outer light, lighting up objects outside, and the inner light of Consciousness have something in common in their characteristics. Both are imperceptible to the sense organs or the mind. The existence of the outer light is affirmed by the fact that objects are seen/lit-up in its presence. It is a scientific fact that we never see the Pure Light, we only see the reflected light. Similarly, the light of Consciousness is proved by the fact that objects are known/lit-up in its presence. Just as the seeing of objects is the proof of Pure Light, knowing the objects is the proof of Pure Knowledge or Pure Consciousness! Consciousness does not require any proof, because everything else is proved by Consciousness!
AUM is a formula, just like H2O. AUM is the greatest formula ever invented by man. AUM is very vast. Everything appears out of it, everything is sustained by it and everything merges into it!
How is the universe born out of AUM/OM?..........
And also, how does Jeevaathma equal Brahman? Let us define these two words first: Brahman and Aathma. Brahman is the uncreated/unchanging/actionless element in existence. Brahman=Reality=Awareness=I. Aathma is the witness to all change but is itself changeless and is the ultimate reality or ground of oneself. So, Aathma is Brahman known from within (=Truth); Brahman is the Aathma known from without (=Reality). The same uncreated/unchanging/but-seemingly-active element that is seemingly enclosed in a body-mind complex is Jeevaathma. Aathma is the ground of Jeevaathma, like the infinite-space versus the pot-space. Pot-space is not moving when the pot is moving. Jeevaathma is the reflection of Brahman in a body-mind complex. Jeevaathma=Self=Soul=Reflected Awareness=I AM. As an analogy...If the space enclosed in a pot is Jeevaathma/Reflected Awareness/Individual-Consciousness, then the infinite space is called Brahman/Awareness. The pot-space is only seemingly enclosed, seemingly individualized, seemingly in movement. Let us call Jeevaathma as Aathma for short, since they are one and the same.
And also, how does Jeevaathma equal Brahman? Let us define these two words first: Brahman and Aathma. Brahman is the uncreated/unchanging/actionless element in existence. Brahman=Reality=Awareness=I. Aathma is the witness to all change but is itself changeless and is the ultimate reality or ground of oneself. So, Aathma is Brahman known from within (=Truth); Brahman is the Aathma known from without (=Reality). The same uncreated/unchanging/but-seemingly-active element that is seemingly enclosed in a body-mind complex is Jeevaathma. Aathma is the ground of Jeevaathma, like the infinite-space versus the pot-space. Pot-space is not moving when the pot is moving. Jeevaathma is the reflection of Brahman in a body-mind complex. Jeevaathma=Self=Soul=Reflected Awareness=I AM. As an analogy...If the space enclosed in a pot is Jeevaathma/Reflected Awareness/Individual-Consciousness, then the infinite space is called Brahman/Awareness. The pot-space is only seemingly enclosed, seemingly individualized, seemingly in movement. Let us call Jeevaathma as Aathma for short, since they are one and the same.
Science tells us that the Big Bang is the t=0 for the universe ('t' denotes the time). t=0 is thus the underlying, non-dual, single-reality (science calls it 'singularity') that seemingly "created" this universe.
Anything t=0+ or t=0- is not 'Now' but is the future or the past. The Big Bang was t=0 at the time of the Big Bang. But the Big Bang cannot be t=0 now. It equals t-13.8 billion years; it is an event from the past. The universe is expanding with such an incredible speed. Only the location of 'Now' can be t=0. This t=0 is beyond time, it is always 'Now.' So, let us call, t=0 as 'Now.' t=0 as Pure Light. t=0 as Brahman/Reality/Awareness.
Where can we locate/perceive t=0 at present? Where can we locate/perceive the Pure Light and/or 'Now' at present? Well, any perception must involve these two elements: Observer Subject and Observed Object. So, let us analyze these two.
Where can we locate t=0 for an Observer Subject?...All perceptions take place in our minds. And Consciousness or Aathma is the Observer which witnesses everything that is happening in our minds, yet not affected by anything.
Look at the sun; the light from the sun takes 8 minutes to reach us (t=8 min). That means we are looking at the sun that was 8 minutes ago, not the actual sun or not the 'Now' sun. Sun is, thus, a 'memory' object. In fact, the universe is only made up of 'memory' objects. It is just impossible to find a 'Now' object in the physical universe. Look at the moon; the light from the moon takes 1.3 seconds to reach us (t=1.3 sec). Now look at the tree outside the window; the time taken for light to reach the eyes is 10 micro seconds (t=10 micro sec). As the distance reduces, the time taken for the light to reach our eyes reduces. Remember that any perception entailing even the slightest time involves reflected light, not the Original Light or Pure Light!
Anything t=0+ or t=0- is not 'Now' but is the future or the past. The Big Bang was t=0 at the time of the Big Bang. But the Big Bang cannot be t=0 now. It equals t-13.8 billion years; it is an event from the past. The universe is expanding with such an incredible speed. Only the location of 'Now' can be t=0. This t=0 is beyond time, it is always 'Now.' So, let us call, t=0 as 'Now.' t=0 as Pure Light. t=0 as Brahman/Reality/Awareness.
Where can we locate/perceive t=0 at present? Where can we locate/perceive the Pure Light and/or 'Now' at present? Well, any perception must involve these two elements: Observer Subject and Observed Object. So, let us analyze these two.
Where can we locate t=0 for an Observer Subject?...All perceptions take place in our minds. And Consciousness or Aathma is the Observer which witnesses everything that is happening in our minds, yet not affected by anything.
Look at the sun; the light from the sun takes 8 minutes to reach us (t=8 min). That means we are looking at the sun that was 8 minutes ago, not the actual sun or not the 'Now' sun. Sun is, thus, a 'memory' object. In fact, the universe is only made up of 'memory' objects. It is just impossible to find a 'Now' object in the physical universe. Look at the moon; the light from the moon takes 1.3 seconds to reach us (t=1.3 sec). Now look at the tree outside the window; the time taken for light to reach the eyes is 10 micro seconds (t=10 micro sec). As the distance reduces, the time taken for the light to reach our eyes reduces. Remember that any perception entailing even the slightest time involves reflected light, not the Original Light or Pure Light!
If you extrapolate this backward, the only logical location for t=0 (or 'Now') is in the Subject/Observer itself, who is watching/observing these objects. That is where Pure Light (not reflected light) can be located!
Aathma is the Subject/Observer, so t=0 is the coordinate for Aathma that is within you.
Now, where can we locate t=0 for an Observed Object?...Well, by the same reasoning as above, for any object to be a 'Now' object, it must be within the Subject/Observer/Aathma. At t=0, the sun is a 'Now' object and this 'Now' object is beyond the space time framework and is within Aathma. If not, any object would be a 'Memory' object (when we see the sun, we are seeing the sun that was 8 minutes ago). The only way to understand this is that, for any object to be outside the space time frame work, it must be in its 'un-manifest' or 'potential' or 'seed' form within the Subject/Observer/Aathma. There is no actual sun here, but there is only the potential to become the sun. In the same way, Aathma has the potential to become any object in the universe.
t=0 for the Observer/Subject is within each one of us. And we saw that the t=0 for all the objects (the Observed) is also within us. However at t=0, both Subject and Object are not separate from each other; Object collapses into Subject. They are completely unified and homogeneous with no separation whatsoever. This is the singularity which science is referring to. It is the unity of the Subject and the Object. This means at t=0, the Subject is not only Aware but must also be Self-Aware. In other words, this Subject must be Aware of itself in the absence of any Objects. Objects are only in the potential form. This is also the condition of Existence/Reality prior to "Creation" because the Existence must be known by itself (it is the only one); otherwise it is No-Existence which is meaningless. If Reality was dependent on Awareness for its awareness, it is not Reality anymore.
Consciousness in each of us is Self-Aware (whatever is aware must be Self-Aware); therefore t=0 is Aathma/Consciousness. (What are you doing to be aware of yourself? Nothing! That means it is a direct and immediate experience; there is no need of a second "thing." That means Limitless/Pure Awareness is your nature (=to be aware) and that Awareness is self-aware, isn’t it? If our being was not Self-Aware, none of us would have the experience, "I know that I am" or "I know that I am present." Only Awareness knows Awareness. Are we not Self-Aware in deep sleep?) Since t=0 equals Brahman (Reality/Awareness/I), Aathma (Consciousness/Self/Soul/I AM)=Brahman! Aathma=Brahman!
It is, therefore, logical to conclude that the Big Bang was apparently born out of this Self-Aware Consciousness/Self/Aathma. The matter and energy, space and time, is apparently "born" out of this Pure Consciousness! Therefore, Brahman/Awareness/I=Aathma/Consciousness/Self/I AM. But, I AM=AUM! (How?...I AM comes from 'Ayam' or 'Aham' of Sanskrit meaning 'Am-ness' which comes from AUM)
Aithareya Upanishad: "Pragnyaanam Brahman!"...Pragnyaanam in Sanskrit means prior to knowledge=I AM=AUM.
Jesus Christ, John 10:30-33: "I and my Father are one!"...1st Century AD.
An Italian Monk: "Thou Art the Love with Which I Love Thee!"
Remember the Bible verse..."In the beginning was the Word; and the Word was with God and the Word was God!" Much earlier verse from Rig-Veda..."In the beginning was Prajaapathi/Brahman with whom was the Sound; and the Sound was verily Brahman!"
Remember the Bible verse..."In the beginning was the Word; and the Word was with God and the Word was God!" Much earlier verse from Rig-Veda..."In the beginning was Prajaapathi/Brahman with whom was the Sound; and the Sound was verily Brahman!"
What is the real meaning of 'I' in 'I AM?'..........
The same word, used in similar contexts, cannot carry different meanings with different
persons. When I say ‘I’ meaning ‘my body’, another understands it in the same sense, meaning ‘my body.' But when the other person uses the same word ‘I,' he means ‘his body,' which is entirely different from ‘my body.' Thus, in the case of everyone, the bodies meant are different; but the word used is the same ‘I’, always.
So the ‘I’ must mean: either the individual bodies of all men – which is ludicrous – or it must evidently mean no body at all. The latter being the only possible alternative, the ‘I’ must necessarily mean that changeless principle in which every body appears and disappears. This is the real meaning of ‘I’, even in our daily traffic with the world.
What is the role of music?..........
Music must lead you into absolute silence (stillness). Sound must lead you into soundlessness and then into stillness. Real music, in a sense, is absolutely silent. Sounds are there but those sounds only make the silence deeper: they help the silence, they are not against silence - that is the difference between noise and music. Noise is just sound which does not lead you to silence, music is sound that becomes a door to silence. Modern music is not much of a music, it is noise; it does not lead you to silence. Classical music and the music of AUM is real music!
The highest music is where the sound does not destroy the soundless moments in between. As the musician becomes more and more refined, he can manage to create sound, and between two sounds he can give you an experience of soundlessness and stillness or, in other words, experience of meditation.
Where is the seat of AUM in our body?..........
AUM equals 'I AM' which, ultimately, equals Reflected Awareness or Individual-Consciousness. The immortal sound of Consciousness, the immortal music of Consciousness is AUM and is inside all of us. Consciousness in our waking state spreads all over the body, but operates from our third eye center behind the eyes. This center is also known as Aagnya Chakra in yogic tradition. With the third eye developed, you can see externally as well as internally. Third eyes simply knows, simply sees.
Jesus Christ , Matthew 6.22: "The light of the body is the eye. If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light!"
- Sudhakar V Reddy
For Further Reading:
Esoterics of GOD-The Reality! And How to Realize IT?
Esoterics of Death and Life After Death!
Esoterics of the Seven Bodies of Man!
That is truth. Beautifully written and I thank you for sharing your light.
ReplyDeleteI can now comprehend more what the AUM is and it's significance. How often does one see such a symbol in nature and all that is the universe? Since it is a sacred sound , one so devine that it's representation is only a symbol , what does seeing it all that is existence mean ? Ateast let me hear your hypothesis.